May 20, 2017
The road up to the TH (Eightmile Road) opened up on May 15 (permits for camping in Enchantments also opened the same day) and we wanted to check out Leavenworth so headed down there for the long weekend. Road was in pretty good condition, minor washboard areas and quite a few small potholes but no issues making it up in any vehicle. First 1-1.5 km had little snow, then quite a few intermittent snow patches until branch of Colchuck Lake and Lake Stuart Trails, and then constant snow from there until Colchuck Lake. Bootpack was good the whole way and we started at around 7 am so snow was pretty solid, but not icy, the whole way up. Lots of people wearing micro spikes, we packed our snowshoes but never put them on (waste of effort! haha), and our hiking boots were sufficient for traction the whole way. Snow was 1-2 m deep from trail split up to the top, some postholing if stepping off trail too far. Sky was pretty cloudy around the top when we got to the lake, but after cooking some oatmeal and lounging for a bit, we were rewarded with the weather clearing and the amazing views of Dragontail Peak and Colchuck Peak. Lots of skiers skinning up Triple Couloirs and skiing down, and a group snowshoeing up Aasgard Pass provided some entertainment while we were at the lake. Lots of chipmunks and whiskey jacks pestering for food at the lake in case you were worried you may miss them outside of BC. Snow was starting to get sloppy on the way down and I imagine it will only get worse in the next few days with the hot weather. Tons of people bouldering and sport-climbing along Icicle Road, campsites were all full and there were hordes of people back in Leavenworth, but it was still a fun atmosphere. Headed out to Ancient Lakes to camp there for the night afterwards. Colchuck Lake was beautiful with the snow still on it and looks like it would be a great late summer destination too.
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