DIRECTIONS: Water above pavement shortly before the trailhead. There's another parking just before the water, where you can park, if you don't want to drive your car over the water.create
SUMMARY: The trail continues over French Creek, if you can make it across.
The mileage is if you return at the collapsed bridge.create
Icicle Creek
Jun 13, 2021
The bridge over French Creek is broken. There's a sign at the trailhead.
We went and check it out. We didn't attempt to use the bridge. Looks really bad. It's about 1.5 mile in. Just before that, a nice flat overlook of the confluence of French Creek and Icicle Creek.
What I didn't like is that the 1.5 mile cannot see the creek at all. Once you cross the bridge, maybe it's better. There is a ford, maybe for horses. Now the water is running high.